Richfield Historical Society

Richfield, WI


Camp Villa Jerome - Part 2

Memories of Camp Villa Jerome by Dorothy who worked at the Camp in the 1950s  - Part 2

Boat Landing at Camp Villa JeromeOne evening, two brothers from Illinois, who were very good friends of Father Bloedorn got a bright idea to float Father’s Karmann-Ghia (VW sports car made by Porsche) on the lake. They rounded up a few guys and securely tied it to a raft. The next morning Father saw his red car out there floating on the lake. He actually laughed at the prank. No harm done.

Nancy Kohl and I worked in the mess hall and kitchen. Tessie Friess was our boss. She was an excellent cook and prepared wonderful menus. The state law dictated that we were required to wear white uniforms and hairnets. We worked six days per week from 7am to 7 pm and our wages were $45 per week. On Fridays, we washed the mess fall floor because Sundays were visitation days for parents.

Swimming at Camp Villa JeromeOften desserts were served with whipped cream and was prepared in a very large deep stainless teel bowl. One day Tessie asked me to get it form the walk-in cooler. I did so, however, due to condensation the bowl slipped from my hands to the floor. It was a whipped cream explosion. The ladies and Tessie thought it was fun. Lucky for me there was enough left to cover the desserts. At the end of each day, a local farmer brought in a galvanized garbage can and picked up all the food that was not eaten. His pigs were “eating good in the neighborhood”.

Corny and Tessie were hardworking, understanding, fun loving and wonderful people to work for. Everyone loved them. For those of us who were given the opportunity to work at Camp Villa Jerome, it was a most wonderful experience.

Camp Villa Jerome closed in 1976 and Washington County purchased the property which is now Glacier Hills County Park. The chapel that is currentlyChapel at Camp Villa Jerome located in the park was called the Little Flower Mission Chapel. It was built in the mid-1920s to serve as a temporary chapel while the basilica at Holy Hill near Richfield was being erected. The chapel building was eventually given to Camp Villa Jerome where it was moved. It now serves as a venue for weddings and other special events at Glacier Hills County Park.

Photos: Boat Landing at Camp Villa Jerome; Swimming at Camp Villa Jerome; Chapel in Glacier Hills County Park



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