Upcoming Events
March 27, 2025: "American Veteran Cemeteries Around the World" presented by Al Buchholz -- Community Program at 7 pm, Richfield Fire Hall (2008 Hwy 175).
Join us for an informative presentation on the American Cemeteries located in France, Italy, Belgium and Luxembourg. Mr. Buchholz’s has traveled extensively and visited these cemeteries...Read More
Annual Plant Sale
April 1 - May 31, 2025
It's that time of year for you to make plans to beautify your yard with lovely plants. The Richfield Historical Society is once again having its annual plant sale. You can purchase Gift Certificates to be used at Nehm's Greenhouse....Click Here to Learn More and Access the Order Form.
Call for Exhibitors
Art at the Mill
June 21,2025
2025 Guidelines & Application Form for Artists
2025 Guidelines & Application Form for Vendors
Note: Applications for Jewelry & Woodworking (cutting boards, bowls, vases, etc) Artisans are no longer being accepted due to the quota being reached. If you wish to be placed on a waiting list, please contact artfairrhs@gmail.com
Upcoming 2025 Monthly Programs
Learn about the Richfield Historical Park & Events Held
RHS in Action
Inside the Messer/Mayer Mill and More
Click on the photo to see a very interesting video about the Messer/Mayer Mill (you will even see the 3rd floor!)
It's Maple Syrup Tree Tapping Time
Mother Nature cooperated enough for the maple trees in the Richfield Historical Park (1896 Hwy 164) to be tapped on Feb. 24. Sap is running from some of the trees but not many yet. Warm days and cool nights are needed. To learn about the process, visit the Sugar Shack. The Maple Syrup Team is always willing to share their knowledge and may put you to work.
Click on the photo above to view a video showing the Maple Syrup Team tapping maple trees.
Question of the Week
For the question: "What was once located on the hill south of the Richfield Elementary School", there were several correct answers -- a radio tower. Great! To learn more about this tower, click on Richfield Remembers in the menu near to top of this page, then select Richfield Stories. Find this story: "Richfield's Claim to Fame".
Next question: "Do you recognize the crossroads community pictured below that is now part of Richfield?"
Return on March 19 for the answer.
New Addition to the Richfield Historical Park
A new roadway and berm are being built in the Park. This will eventually allow water to flow into the raceway for the mill and the people mover at events will take visitors to the Lillicrapp Welcome Center. The road will be finished in spring after the ground thaws.
Photos Entered in SPOOM Contest Won 1st Place for the Interior Category
The Society for the Preservation of Old Mills (SPOOM) has a photography contest. This year, RHS submitted photos along with this 'story':
In a homage titled "Time Stands Still," volunteers of Richfield Historical Park recreated a century-old photo capturing the grist mill's interior. Motivated by its historical significance, the scene mirrors George Mayer, the owner in the original photo, with Al Mayer in
the contemporary role. Every detail resonates authentically, down to the broken piece of millstone gear resting on the table. The mill itself, housing original equipment like turbines, millstones, and sifters untouched since its closure over 70 years ago, stands as a testament frozen in time. Currently undergoing restoration by dedicated volunteers, the mill will resume operations in the future, offering visitors a glimpse into its 150-year-old history.
Around the County Podcast Featuring the Richfield Historical Society
The Society's president, Pete Samson, and Vice President, Joni Crivello, participated in a podcast about the Society and the Historical Park. This podcast is part of the Around the County series sponsored by the Tower Heritage Center (Washington County Historical Society).
Click Here to listen to this interesting narrative (Episode #25).
Past Features of RHS in Action