Richfield Historical Society

Richfield, WI


Scout Projects

Through the years, the Richfield Historical Society has partnered with local Boy and Girl Scout troops to provide service projects for the scouts to earn the rank of Eagle Scout or the Silver Award. The talented Scouts have completed several projects that have greatly enhanced the Richfield Historical Park.

The purpose of an Eagle Scout project is to provide an opportunity to “plan, develop, and give leadership to others.” as noted in the requirements.

The purpose of a Silver Award is to give the scout the chance to do big things and make a community better in the process as noted in the requirements.

Install a defibrillator in the Richfield Historical Park

Defilrillator in Richfield Historical ParkScout: Logan Creegan
Scout Troop 139
Completed: 2023






Build an animal shelter in the Pioneer Homestead area of the Richfield Historical Park for a display at RHS events

Eagle Scout Project - Animal ShelterScout: Nolan Jackett
Scout Troup 110 - Daniel Boone
Completed: 2021




Construct 16 Leopold benches for the Richfield Historical Park. Eight were donated by RHS to the Washington County Dairy Promotion Committee
Scout: Robbie Wolff
Scout Troop 167 - Richfield
Completed: 2018




Design and construct two waterproof brochure containers mounted on the kiosks in the Richfield Historical Park
Scout: Emmett Zinda
Scout Troop 155 - Colgate
Completed: 2017





Repair and refinish all of the picnic tables in the Richfield Historical Park
Scout: Nick Densing
Scout Troop 115 - Germantown
Completed: 2017




Build a footbridge for better access between the Mill House and the Lillicrapp Welcome Center
Girl Scout Troop 2280 - Friess Lake School
Completed: 2016





Build and install 3 Little Libraries in the Richfield Historical Park
Scout:Nathan Seibold
Scout Troop 167 - Richfield
Completed: 2016




Plant and maintain 150 trees in the Richfield Historical Park

Scout: Cy Brehm
Scout Troop 139
Completed: 2016





Build a handicap ramp for the Lillicrapp Welcome Center
Handicap Ramp Scout: David Rashid
Scout Troop 139
Completed: 2014




Build the kiosks for the Lillicrapp Welcome Center and the Mill House informational signs
Mill House SignLillicrapp House Sign Scout: Hayden Borchardt
Scout Troop 167 - Richfield
Completed: 2014



Construct 20 Leopold benches for the Richfield Historical Park
Scout: Brandon Parsons
Scout Troop 167 - Richfield
Completed: 2014






Rebuild the water chase bridge and restore the stone banks on west side of the Messer/Mayer Mill
Water Chase Bridge

Scout: Simon Felhofer
Scout Troop 175
Completed: 2007





Rebuild the wood structure (water chase) and stone trench on the west side of the Messer/Mayer Mill that brings water to power the Mill turbine
Water Chase

Scout: Brad Knier
Scout Troop 167 - Richfield
Completed: 2006



Build the Maple Sugar Shack which is the small cedar roofed building used to boil down the sap to make maple syrup

Scout: Darin Dumke
Scout Troop: 167 - Richfield
Completed: 2006





Paint and prime the siding on the north and east sides of the Messer/Mayer Mill before it was installed
Paint Mill Siding

Scout: Mike Coomer
Scout Troop 167 - Richfield
Completed: 2004





Build the kiosk for the informational sign that is in front of the Messer/Mayer Mill displaying the history of the Mill familes
Mill Information Kiosk

Scout: Michael Knutson
Scout Troop 167 - Richfield
Completed: 2003






Build the information sign near the Pleasant Hill Road entrance to the Richfield Historical Park. It is used to post upcoming events
Sign on Pleasant Hill Road

Scout: Shane Paff
Troop 167 - Richfield
Completed: 2002


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