Richfield Historical Society

Richfield, WI


Messer/Mayer Mill - Richfield, Wisconsin

Messer/Mayer Sawmill and Grist MillThe Messer Sawmill was built in 1856 by Johann Messer. In 1871, Andrew Messer, Johann's son, started construction of a grist (grain) mill attaching it to the Sawmill. It was completed in 1873. The Mills were purchased by the Mayer family, thus the name, Messer/Mayer. The Sawmill operated until 1930 and the grist Mill until 1954. The Mill with closed with all of its original equipment intact -- just as it is today. The Town of Richfield purchased the Mill property in 1997. The Richfield Historical Society is responsible for Messer/Mayer Mill in 2011 restoring and maintaining all of the historic buildings located on this property which is now the Richfield Historical Park. To learn more about the Messer/Mayer Mill, click on the following Messer/Mayer Mill links.

About the Mill
Messer/Mayer Mill and Homestead
Make a Mill Gift


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