Richfield Historical Society

Richfield, WI


Make A Gift
Be a Part of Richfield's History!

As a nonprofit, the Richfield Historical Society (RHS) depends on gifts from individuals like you to fund the work of preserving and presenting the rich, colorful history of our community. Richfield is a PreservePreserve America America Community. The Richfield Historical Society was very instrumental in the Village attaining this recognition, mainly because of the Richfield Historical Park and activities of the Society.

How to Make a Gift:
There are a variety of methods to give to the Historical Society that will offer you, the donor, or your heirs, a tax benefit and assist us with our projects. Your tax-deductible donation will ensure that our stories, and those of our ancestors, are told for generations to come. Your donation will help with the restoration, maintenance, and building of structures in the Richfield Historical Park as well as support the programs of the Society, an all volunteer organization.

Make a one-time or annual donation, a tribute or legacy gift, employer match or a donation of stock. Use whatever plan fits your giving philosophy.

One-time, Annual, or Tribute Gift:
There may be a special Richfield Historical Society (RHS) project in which you are interested such as the restoration of the Messer/Mayer Mill. (Click Here to learn about Make a Mill Gift.) Maybe you feel the Society could use an annual donation to help offset operating expenses and monthly programs. A gift in honor or memory of a special person is a thoughtful way to treasure friends and family.

Print and fill out the Contribution Form. Mail your check and form to:
Richfield Historical Society
PO Box 268
Richfield, WI 53076


Make your donation online using our secure payment system using your credit card via PayPal (no PayPal account is needed).



Scan the Richfield Historical Society's Venmo Code to make a donation.

RHS Donbation Venmo Code

Legacy Gift:
Be an integral part of the Richfield Historical Society's future by including a charitable gift in your will or estate plan. Your gift will ensure the historic buildings in the Richfield Historical Park will always be there. And that’s quite a legacy. Leaving a gift to RHS in your will is one of the simplest ways you can make a legacy gift. You can also name the Society as a beneficiary of an insurance policy. RHS encourages donors to contact their estate attorney for professional assistance.

Securities Gift:
Giving stock provides you the chance to possibly realize tax benefits while helping support our mission to discover, collect, preserve and promote the history of the Village of Richfield. Stock that has appreciated in value is one of the most popular assets used to make charitable gifts. Please consult your financial advisor.

To give a Securities Gift to RHS, contact:
Stifel (formerly Ziegler), Michael Knutson, 262-955-6927 or 800-236-2776
RBR Wealth Management Group, Baird Investments, 800-766-7888 (stock, bond, security donations only)

Blacksmith Shop Gift:
Horse shoes were one of the many items made in blacksmiths shops that were located in almost every crossroads community in the days of horsepower. The blacksmith shop which has been built in the Richfield Historical Park will be a fitting tribute to the blacksmith shop era. Donations are greatly appreciated to help improve and operate this building. Every donation is appreciated, but for a $100 donation or more, you can have your name engraved on a brass plate. Your plate will be centered on a horse shoe which will be hung on a massive beam in the shop. Just click on this Blacksmith Donation Form, print the form and fill in the needed information. Please send your check and form to the address listed on the form.

Employer Matching Gifts:
Many companies allow their employees to direct their charitable giving programs through matching gifts. When an employee notifies the company that he/she has made a charitable donation to the Richfield Historical Society, the company will make a gift to RHS. Matching Gift Programs are a wonderful way for employees to make their charitable dollars stretch farther at no cost to themselves. Some companies give a donation based on the number of hours an employee volunteers. Check with your company's human resources department to see if your employer has a matching gift program.
Wisconsin Companies with Matching Gift/Volunteer Hour Programs
Nationwide Companies with Matching Gift/Volunteer Hour Programs

Reasons to Support the Richfield Historical Society

  • The buildings within the Richfield Historical Park are priceless survivors of the history of Richfield and southeastern Wisconsin. The Messer/Mayer Mill is so unique that it has gained recognition by the State of Wisconsin and the Federal Government, and it is listed on the Register of Historic Structures of both entities. It is also a Washington County (WI) Landmark.
  • The Messer/Mayer Mill is unique because it contains all of its original equipment. It is one of the very few mills in the Midwest that have this distinction of being entirely original.
  • The Society is the main support for the Richfield Historical Park. Through its many activities, the Society creates awareness and generates resources to sustain the Park and the historic buildings located there. Hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours have gone into restoration and events activities. We have no paid staff. Much of the cost of restoration has been paid through donations. Please help us continue our efforts to preserve our local history.
  • The Richfield Historical Society engages in educational and outreach activities to many school children and senior citizens. Your financial support assists in these endeavors. We believe that a knowledge of history is essential to make our children more effective citizens.
  • The Mill can be brought back into operation. The Society volunteers are capable of recreating the long lost history of an operating mill that was so important to the local farm families of the past. The Mill foundation has been restored but there is still much to do to make the Mill operational. We need your contribution to accomplish this.
  • Every gift makes a difference. Most gifts made to the Society are under $500. But together they add up to the significant amounts that we need to further our activities and rebuild the Mill and other structures.

The Richfield Historical Society is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  Your contribution may be tax deductible.  Please consult your tax advisor.

Please Make Your Gift Today! Thank You!



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