Richfield Historical Society

Richfield, WI


Mill House Book Club

1:00 pm - 3rd Wednesday of the Month
The Nutman
1333 State Road 175, Suite B, Hubertus, WI
All are Welcome to Attend
Questions? Call Jeanne at 262-628-0757


March 19, 2025
Finding Amelia: The True Story of the Earhart Disappearance
Ric Gillespie

Book ClubIn the seventy years since the disappearance of Amelia Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan during a flight over the Central Pacific, their fate has remained one of history’s most debated mysteries. Dozens of books have offered a variety of solutions to the puzzle, but they all draw on the same handful of documents and conflicting eyewitness accounts. Now a wealth of new information uncovered by the International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR) allows this book to offer the first fully documented history of what happened. Scrupulously accurate and thrilling to read, it tells the story from the letters, logs, and telegrams that recorded events as they unfolded. 

May 21, 2025: Killing Mister Watson by Peter Matthiessen


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