Richfield Historical Society

Richfield, WI


Richfield Historical Society Educational Activities

The Education Committee coordinates activities for all ages: 

Children:  Each May Richfield area third graders and their teachers visit the Richfield Historical Park to learn what it was like to live in Richfield 100 years ago.  Over 20 volunteers provide hands-on activities such as making maple syrup, washing clothes by hand, ironing with old-fashioned irons, kneading bread dough and pumping water.





Traveling TrunkSeniors:  We have four different traveling trunks full of vintage items from our museum.  These trunks travel to area senior and/or assisted living facilities where our talented volunteers present the items and lead lively discussions.  For many, it is a trip down “memory lane” and an opportunity to share memories of their childhood. 




Sifting FlourAll Ages:  Our annual Thresheree & Harvest Festival in September focuses on sharing old-time traditions.  Threshing, horse-drawn plows, and vintage tractors are just a few of the attractions for all ages.  Children can sift flour, play in corn, pump water, shell corn and card wool.




The Education Committee is always open to new ideas.  Feel free to join this committee and be part of sharing our local history.  Call Kathy at 262-628-0252 to reserve the Traveling Trunk or to share your thoughts on educational activities.


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