Richfield Historical Society

Richfield, WI


Richfield Historical Society Monthly Programs

Everyone is welcome to attend the Richfield Historical Society's (RHS) interesting programs presented monthly. The programs are held the 4th Thursday during the months of January–May; September–November. The November date may vary due to Thanksgiving. The programs start at 7pm and are held at the Richfield Fire Hall, 2008 State Road 175, Richfield, WI 53076.


March 27, 2025
"American Veteran Cemeteries Around the World" presented by Al Buchholz

American Cemeteries AbroadIn 1923, the United States Congress created the American Battles Monuments Commission to honor American armed forces where they had served overseas and to control military cemeteries, monuments and markers on foreign soil. Today there are U.S. cemeteries and memorials scattered throughout the world. Come to learn more about these important remembrances.


April 24, 2025: "100 Things to Do in Wisconsin Before You Die" presented by Dannelle Gay


May 22, 2025: "Hon. William F. Cody -- Buffalo Bill" presented by Wayne Rettig



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