Richfield Historical Society

Richfield, WI


Richfield Historical Society Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and meet new people.  Better yet, volunteer with a friend. There are many possibilities for you to get involved and help the Richfield Historical Society, an all volunteer organization. The annual average of donated hours is well over 10,000!!

  • The Park crew handles the projects and maintenance of the Richfield Historical Park such as restoration, yard work, setup for RHS events, tap trees and make maple syrup, and much more. Call Al at (262) 909-0129.
  • Tour guides are needed for the Mill, Mill House, Pioneer Homestead, Lillicrapp Welcome Center
  • Events Opportunities
    • Drive or be a conductor on the people movers 
    • Serve food
    • Obtain items for the Silent Auction
    • Help in exhibit tents
    • Park carsServing Chili at Antique Appraisal
    • Take admissions
  • Serve on or chair a committee
  • Become a member of the Richfield Historical Society and/or its Board of Directors
  • Bake for events and monthly program refreshments
  • Scan and organize photography
  • Marketing opportunities
  • Group participation such as Youth Groups and Scout Troops – an excellent way to complete service hours

We can match your talents and time with our opportunitiies. Call Sharon at (262) 297-1546 if you have an interest in volunteering with the Richfield Historical Society.

You can fill out a Volunteer Form. Just click on this link, Volunteer Form. Then, print it, fill in the information and mail it to the address listed on the form.

Volunteers on the People Mover


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