Richfield Historical Society

Richfield, WI


Maple Syrup Family Day
March 22, 2025

The Richfield Historical/Nature Park was a flurry of activity on March 22 with hungry visitors waiting to taste the delicious pancakes, children grinding corn and hundreds of others learning how maple syrup is made, what a blacksmith does and seeing a demo of cooking over an open fire. Everyone enjoyed the lovely weather--so good to be outdoors on a sunny day.


Making PancakesThe pancake breakfast was a hit, as always. The line snaked down the hill from the park pavilion as the Pancake Breakfastvisitors waited for the stack of pancakes drizzled with 'real' maple syrup and sizzling sausages. The wait was worth it!



How is Maple Syrup MadeOutside the sugar shack, visitors learned about tapping trees, gathering sap and turning it in the sweet maple syrup. Inside the Sugar ShackInside the sugar shack, the wood burning sap evaporator was bubbling, filling the sugar shack with steam. Did you know it takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup?  It wasn't long before all the syrup that had been produced so far this season was all sold.


Judging the Maple Syrup ContestStarting at 9am, the judging of the maple syrup contest entries was taking place in the granary. All the 'contestants' were hoping their syrup would earn 1st Place in their category.


Winners of the 2025 Maple Syrup Contest -- Congratulations!
1st - Todd Friday - Friday's
2nd - Lavern Schmitz - Schmitz Sweet Syrup
1st and Grand Prize - Jesse Wagner - Inthewoods Sugar Bush
2nd Brandon Hacker - B&H Honey & Maple Syrup
3rd Mike Dodge - Sticky Sweet
1st Tyler & Jessica Wolfert - Primrose Maple
2nd - Sam Mountjoy - Iggie's Acre
3rd - Will Wanish - Wanish Sugar Bush
Very Dark
1st - Dean Swoboda - 10 Acre
2nd - Jeremy DesJarlais - Backyard Boiler
3rd - Steve & Tanya Michalski - Michalski's
Thanks to all who entered and we hope to see you next year.


Outdoor CookingThe Pioneer Homestead was bustling with activity for all ages. Outside the log cabin, pork fat was being rendered to make lard to use to make soap or for cooking. Inside Inside Log Cabinthe cabin, a cooking demo was taking place. Meanwhile, goats could be heard bleating as you walked to the log barn.  Clucking chickens welcomed visitors into the barn where kids had the opportunity to do a leather activity. Near the log barn, Goatsyou could see how a very old washing machine worked.

Across the road from the Pioneer homestead, kids participated in a variety of grain processing tasks, such as grinding corn stalks, with the equipment Shredding Corn Stalksdisplayed by an RHS good friend, Lavern Schmitz.






Blacksmith ShopThe blacksmith shop was a flurry of activity with the 'smiths' pounding the hot iron and shaping it into hooks and other useful items. What a great way for the younger generation to see how metal tools were made long ago.





Food TentVisitors, young and old, sampled the hot dogs, hot cocoa, and homemade goodies. Cotton CandyThe signature treat of the Richfield Historical Society, maple cotton candy, was very, very popular.




People MoverAfter a fun ride to the north end of the Park in the people mover, the Lillicrapp Welcome General StoreCenter entertained visitors with a general store and historic photos from Richfield.






Mill HouseA display on the kitchen table in the Mill House showed cooking activities from long ago using apples. It is always fun to explore a house that has no TV or indoor plumbing.





Maple Syrup Family Day - Messer/Mayer MillThe Messer/Mayer Mill is always a unique spot to see at any of the RHS events. How could such a large building with all of its original milling equipment be built so many years ago without a crane or other machinery?




A big Thank You goes to all who attended, Richfield Historical Society volunteers, and the event's sponsors: Festival Foods, Forte Bank, Kwik Trip (Richfield) and Pioneer Bowl. You made this event happen. Another great family activity at the Richfield Historical/Nature Park. 

Mark your calendars for this event on March 28, 2025

Facebook Comments from Attendees:

"We had a great time! We got there much later than we thought and the syrup was gone but got to get some delicious cotton candy and explore all the cool demonstrations. Thank you for always putting on such a fun family event."

"Thank you for this fun event! The volunteers were great!!"

"This was a really nice event. We went late and toured the buildings" and tasted maple cotton candy. Very nice buildings and interesting to see!"


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