Richfield Historical Society

Richfield, WI


Photos of Richfield

The Red-E Tractor was once manufactured in Richfield, WI
Click on an image and scroll down to see a larger photo

Red-E Tractor Ad

Red-E Tractor Ad

Red-E Tractor

Red-E Tractor

Red-E Tractor

Red-E Tractor

Red-E Display Wisconsin State Fair 1950

Red-E Display
Wisconsin State Fair

Red-E Display RHS Thresheree 2015

Red-E Display
RHS Thresheree 2015

1029 Red-E Walk Behind

1029 Red-E
Walk Behind
Frey's General Store


If you have photos of Richfield from long ago or Richfield homestead families that you would be interested in lending or donating to the Richfield Historical Society, please call 262-251-3882.



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