Martin Claffey
Richfield Homestead Family -- Martin Claffey immigrated from Germany in 1842 and purchased 80 acres on Monches Road between Hwy J (now Hwy 164) & Plat Rd. He married Ellen Martin in 1845. Together they had nine children, 6 sons and 3 daughters: Thomas died in 1871; John (married Joanna Kenealy) lived on the old homestead; James, in Montana; Mathew, in Milwaukee; Charles, in Minnesota; Dan, in Waukesha; Ellen, the youngest daughter joined a religious sisterhood at Manitowoc; Bridget married Matthew Kelley, and Katherine married Paul Steinke of Waukesha.
Here is a portion of Ellen Claffey’s obituary: “On June 20, 1900 (age 74) at one o’clock in the afternoon, death came to the relief of Mrs. Ellen Claffey (nee Martin) at her old house near Plat in the town of Richfield. During the last five years preceding her decease, Mrs. Claffey resided with her son John, being confined to her room most of the time. On account of the sad mental malady with which she had been afflicted and for the uniform kindness and incessant care shown by this good son to his dear mother, he receives and well deserves the greatest praise, obeying and well observing that mandate in God’s Decalogue, which says: “Honor thy father and thy mother.” The deceased was the daughter of Thomas Martin who lived near Lake Five in pioneer days. All the old neighbors of Mrs. Claffey speak in highest terms of her kindness of heart and general Christian character, when
she enjoyed the health of her earlier years. Her remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery at Lake Five on Friday the 23rd, the Rev. Father Bowe of Monches officiating. Finally we bid our old friend a long farewell and earnestly wish that she rest in peace.” Photos: Claffey homestead; John Martin Claffey (son); Johanna Kenealy Claffey (wife of John Martin Claffey (daughter-in-law).
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