Richfield Historical Society

Richfield, WI


Remembering the Wheelmen

Frank Lenz “Around the World with Wheel and Camera” November 1892.

Chicago, all in bustle for the Columbian Exposition, gave an added interest to my four-day stay in the windy city. Mr. Frank Beaston and I were ready to start next morning for Milwaukee. The Milwaukee Wheelmen is the largest club in the city, with a membership of 250. W. C. Sanger, Frank Lenzthe champion racer of Wisconsin, is a member of this club. The Mercury Wheelmen have a membership of sixty-five. The Northside Wheelmen also contain about sixty members, and the Comets about thirty.

With six of the Milwaukee Wheelmen as escorts next morning, including a mute rider from Chicago, we all started for Waukesha. The country now becomes slightly rolling. Following a good gravel road, past Wauwatosa and through Elm Grove, we reached Waukesha for dinner. Here all but the mute rider (William A. Amory) turned back. He and I visited the famous springs which abound hereabouts. This watering place has a well-earned reputation. Its waters are shipped to Chicago and Milwaukee. His was rather quiet company to me, riding side by side with me for mile after mile without a word in exchange. Sometimes we would rest by the roadside, then he would bring forth pencil and paper, and we would hold written conversations. Parting with him at Oconomowoc, I pushed on towards Watertown.

(From “Brookfield: A Fine And Fertile Land” by Thomas Ramstack)

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